With a night of insomnia, I've found myself some time to post!
I've been surfing the web for most of the night, and I came across
BabyCakes. An awesome vegan bakery in NYC.
They are "refined sugar-free, gluten-free, wheat-free, soy-free, casein-free, egg-free, vegan, kosher". Though, I'm not vegan NYLON has highly recommended the shop in their
blog entry about the founder's
BabyCakes cookbook. Next time I'm home (JUNE! I can't wait) I will have to make a trip to the Lower East Side shop to try their vegan cupcakes. Last time I was in the city, I stopped at Magnolia Bakery for a delectable vanilla cupcake for myself and Rachel who was extremely sick and cooped up in her dorm. Maybe this
time we'll be able to venture out together.
Yumm. I can't wait.
And for those of you who won't be in the NYC area anytime soon, BabyCakes does deliver!
Until next time (which I hope will be soon),
PS I got accepted into my Paris program, so I will be studying in France all next year! Get ready for some parisian entries come September ^.^