Dear readers,
After several unsuccessful, highly frustrating attempts at figuring out the theme for my new Wordpress location, I am calling it quits for now.
Quinntessential Style is not only moving to a new digital space, - well trying to at least - but it's also moving to an entirely new spot on the map. Started in the states, then adapted to the French way of life, your source for Quinntessential findings will now be coming to you from down under starting May 2.
As I prepare for my big move from Paris to Sydney, I will take an official hiatus from my blog. Hopefully I will come out on the other side (of the world) with a fresh, new blog look. Until then, scan my archives and enjoy some past posts.
Don't fret, I will be back with all sorts of Quinntessences from not only Paris but my new home in Sydney too.
And as always, you can follow me on Instagram, Twitter and the Quinntessential Style Facebook Page to keep up with my daily adventures, and catch a micro-blogging dose of Quinntessential happenings.
Goodbye French poodles, hello Aussie 'roos...
Until next time.
xx, Q.
Illustration by my wonderfully talented boyfriend, Benoît.