Hello, Quinn here. Originally from Princeton, New Jersey, I have been residing in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for the past year and a half as an Apparel Design student at Louisiana State University. (I think I will go leave my story of how I ended up in Louisiana for another post. I’m not writing a novel.) I’m also minoring in French and Theatre, but considering double majoring in French. There are so many interesting options in college, I figured why not try to do everything I like while I
can, especially when I’m still young!
Though I’m pretty sure you could just scroll down and read Camille’s intro
ductory entry and basically be reading about me (I’ve come to the conclusion we may be the same person), I am going to expand upon who I am and how I define myself.
I grew up in a very creative, artsy family. My father is a photographer and my mother is a writer. I was always urged to use my imagination and to express my creativity. I guess this background is what eventually led me to my complete infatuation with fashion.
I couldn’t place my style into one definite category. It changes on a day-by-day basis, all depending on my moods and what has inspired me recently. I pull inspiration from everyone and everything, but some inspirations remain constant for me.
I am obsessed with Alice In Wonderland, Marie Antoinette, and Nautical anything. I enjoy the girlish fantasy involved with the first two I mentioned. The story of Alice in Wonderland presents so many interesting characters to pull ideas from, while Marie Antoinette represents one of the first major fashion icons. For nautical themes, I just can’t get enough of blue and white stripes.
Besides fashion, theatre is another one of my loves. Recently I have been trying out a different aspect of the theatre than performance. I am taking a Tutu and Dancewear Design class at the moment and have designed costumes for several studio shows. With my love of theatre, I find myself wanting to create over the top, costumey pieces. I enjoy Christian LaCroix and John Galliano who also find inspiration within the theatre. Especially Galliano with his over the top designs and shows.

I guess I will wrap it
up with just a few more things to know about me. I intend on studying in Paris next year, so get excited for the fabulous Parisian posts (nice alliteration huh). Like my fellow cohorts here, I also very much enjoy music. I love hearing new stuff, but I’m bad at remembering song names and such. Recently, I have come across She & Him and fell in love. Zooey Deschannel is AMAZING and I will definitely have
to post on her later.
Ok, I feel like I’ve only touched the surface of who I am, and that this post is rather scatterbrained compared to Camille and Marissa’s. Those two always seem so much cooler than I do! La de da.
Keep reading my loves!
xx, Q